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<page pageid="9" ns="0" title="SQUIRE Index">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">LibSat’s exclusive SQUIRE index automatically combines several customer satisfaction elements and generates a relative ranking index on both a location-specific and a system wide basis.
The index elements include:
* Satisfaction,
* Quality,
* Usage,
* Importance,
* Referral, and
* Expectation.
The SQUIRE index provides a quick, overall snap-shot of a library’s, customer-identified, satisfaction ranking. SQUIRE provides library management with a means to rank and to quickly identify library locations with customer satisfaction improvement opportunities.</rev>
<page pageid="614" ns="0" title="States">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">==Library Performance Assessment System - LibPAS==
LibPAS for States is a comprehensive solution for collecting, processing, analyzing, reporting and sharing of library statistics and related performance data.
; Comprehensive
* Real-time, on-demand capture of data, generation of summary, trend, peer benchmarking and numerous other standard and custom reports;
* Combine views of data from other data sets and jurisdictions;
* Integrate Qualitative feedback;
* Normalize data across data sets, to simplify comparisons and data submissions;
* Import existing data sets and definitions;
* Integrated edit checks ensures that data is verified/explained when it is entered.
* Secure portal for accessing/managing Performance Indicator (PI) data/results;
* Complete online access and reporting functionality available to all data contributors;
* Complete workflow management for multi-level locking/approval of submitted data;
* No limit on the number of user accounts or usage.
* Secure portal for accessing/managing Performance Indicator (PI) data/results;
* Comprehensive series of on-line, real-time, on-demand reports;
* Trend reports, Peer Ranking reports, Custom Benchmarking reports, ...
* Combine quantitative LibPAS and qualitative LibSat results;
* Reports feature charts and one-click access to Excel format data downloads.
;Data Collection Management
* Extensive dictionary of available PI data elements, normalized PIs and definitions;
* Comprehensive "collection" management for existing and custom PI collections;
* Customize collection periods and locations with automatic roll-ups and calculations;
* Automatic calculation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and ratios.
* All of subsets of data can be collected more frequently, with automatic running totals to annual results;
* Multiple data sets can be established and administered;
* PIs captured at any level (branch, division, system, region, state);
* PIs captured for any time period (monthly, quarterly, annually);
* On-demand standard and custom reporting.
* Online entry of data or import of data already in electronic form to save time and reduce errors;
* Automatic re-use of data across data collections to save time and reduce errors;
* Auto tally key ratios and normalized PIs across locations and time periods to save time and reduce errors.
;Management Skills
* More timely access to verified data for better insights and supporting evidence;
* Directly supports a culture of continuous improvement.
* On-demand access to results, ratios, trends and comparative data to support operational insight, budget presentations, capital funding drives, ...
* No need to wait for months/years before reports are available;
* Supports peer comparisons (regionally, nationally, internationally) at region, system, division and branch levels to identify best practices, support proposal development and strategy development.
===Available Data Sets===
* Access to the optional Public Library Data Set (PLDS) is now available to LibPAS subscribers. Libraries can now fully (and strategically) employ the PLDS (either standalone or combination with other data) using the comprehensive reporting LibPAS reporting tools.
* An ever increasing number of regional, state, federal and international library organizations are loading historical data into LibPAS.
To add your State data –OR– for more information and a demonstration, please {{Contact Us}}.</rev>