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A selected set of IPEDSIntegrated Post-Secondary Education Data System data elements have been loaded into the LibPASLibrary Performance Assessment Service Collection “Selected IPEDSIntegrated Post-Secondary Education Data System Metrics For Libraries”. Data are available for 2004-2009. 2010 data will be loaded as they become available.

PIsPerformance Indicator(s), also Data Element(s) have been categorized into six LibPASLibrary Performance Assessment Service groups:

  1. Institutional Characteristics
  2. Enrollments
  3. Finance
  4. Completions
  5. Instructional Staff
  6. Graduation Rates

in addition, a group called ACRLMetrics PIsPerformance Indicator(s), also Data Element(s) has been created to link selected metrics from ACRLMetrics PIsPerformance Indicator(s), also Data Element(s) to the Selected IPEDSIntegrated Post-Secondary Education Data System Metrics for Libraries collection.

Please log in to provide feedback or ask questions on this project: Selected IPEDS Metrics for Libraries

Questions? Email: Karen Kupiec