Template:Release Note List
2016-01-05 – Import / Edit Accounts via import
countingopinions.com/pireports/account_import.php Using the account import (link above), new accounts can be imported and existing accounts can be updated via entries in a tab-delimited (.txt) or comma separated values (.csv) file. If your file contains headers the option to “Ignore first row” will need to be selected. Columns are matched to the available options of: ls_id (internal Counting Opinions ID for libraries) sp_id (internal Counting Opinions ID for locations) region id Name (contact name) User Name (username used to login) Password (password used to login) Email (email for the account contact) Phone (phone for the location) Fax (fax for the location) Portal (portal prefix, if applicable) Super User (user role, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Location Manager (user role, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Collection Manager (user role, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Data Manager (user role, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Data Entry (user role, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Report Manager (user role, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Report Viewer (user role, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Data Approval (user role, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) LibSatLibrary Customer Satisfaction Management Service (service, indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Status (indicate 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled) Notes (account specific notes) Ltype (PL=Public, AL=Academic, SL=Special, SC=School)
Best Practice: First, Export accounts from the Accounts management screen (by selecting Excel icon) and save this file before updating the contents and importing any changes. It’s always nice to make a copy of the account settings, should you need to refer to or to revert back to should something go awry! more...
The navigation Menu links have been updated to have more consistent styling throughout LibPASLibrary Performance Assessment Service. more...