Red Flags to Checkered Flags – LibSat Connects with Diverse Communities
First generation immigrants have long been significant users of public libraries. But, obtaining quality feedback from these customer segments has been problematic and difficult. Now the problem of quality feedback has a solution, LibSatLibrary Customer Satisfaction Management Service™.
Increasingly, LibSatLibrary Customer Satisfaction Management Service™ customer satisfaction management subscribers are choosing to deliver the LibSatLibrary Customer Satisfaction Management Service™ survey to their customers in their customers' first language. The real-time, on-demand results can be easily employed to identify any "meaningful gaps" between a language group and the overall library customer group.
Actionable data (including open-ended customer comments) specific to library customer segments, complements library management's ability to effectively allocate (often scarce) resources and yet still achieve optimum service levels. The only requirement is that the Library has a staff member (or volunteer) who is fluent in the LibSatLibrary Customer Satisfaction Management Service™ language(s) that they wish to deploy.
LibSatLibrary Customer Satisfaction Management Service™ is currently available in six languages (English, French, Spanish, Punjabi, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. LibSatLibrary Customer Satisfaction Management Service™ also offers an innovative program where subscribers can specify the development of additional languages.