February 2009
Welcome to the first issue of Performance News, formerly LibSat News. I know you will find this and upcoming issues to be of interest. If you have any suggestions for articles, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We wish you every success.
Ian Reid
Director, Subscriber Services
Counting Opinions
Performance News Takes Flight
Counting Opinions is pleased to announce a new name for our newsletter (formerly LibSat News). Welcome to the first issue of Performance News.
"Performance News" better reflects the broader scope of "library performance" commentary that this and future issues will address. From tips to news updates, Performance News is dedicated to communicating items relevant to continuous improvement, evidence-based management and the enhancement of advocacy for libraries.
Wrestling with your Performance Data
Wrestling with your Performance Data? A Winning Solution is Now Available
Counting Opinions has heard time and again from library managers that a solution is needed to better consolidate disparate sources of data that are regularly produced by various library systems. Ready access to consolidated data enables more immediate comparisons and use of data for reports and presentations to various stakeholders including Customers, Staff, Management, Boards, Member organizations and Funding partners.
We've listened ... and the solution is LibPAS our Library Performance Assessment System.
LibPAS offers a simpler and more efficient way to manage and access data. It features advanced facilities to ensure greater data integrity and timely more access to library operational data, both qualitative and quantitative.
LibPAS is now available for Libraries and Library Organizations.
This new, comprehensive (and affordable) quantitative data management service from Counting Opinions delivers two distinct yet seamlessly compatible offerings, LibPAS-for-Libraries, and LibPAS-for-Library Organizations designed for States, Provinces, Associations and other multiple library system groups.
If you need a better way to manage data coupled with more timely access and flexible, easy-to-use reporting tools to meet your needs, click here for more information.
This new, comprehensive (and affordable) quantitative data management service from Counting Opinions delivers three distinct yet seamlessly compatible offerings, LibPAS-for-Libraries, LibPAS-for-States/Provinces and LibPAS-for-Library Organizations.
Enables individual libraries to significantly improve their qualitative and quantitative data management - from collection to real-time, on-demand processing and reporting. Not only does a library achieve staff productivity improvements, timely access to data on-demand and real-time reporting results are having positive impacts on benchmarking and advocacy requirements.
As one Counting Opinions subscriber stated "My problem is not a shortage of data, rather it is the inability to get at it since it is housed in multiple 'data silos', none of which can talk to any other."
LibPAS-for- States/Provinces
Two issues faced by States and Provinces are:
the timeliness of data turnaround to support local library needs, and the need to more effectively manage their own data needs besides the annual public library data requirement. The Counting Opinions solution solves these challenge - and delivers a lot more as well.
LibPAS-for-Library Organizations
Library organizations which collect data on behalf of its members are typically challenged with many of the same challenges that face States and Provinces. The LibPAS solution allows the organization to not only better achieve its data management objectives, but simultaneously enables its members to better meet theirs.
LibPAS is an "open design" system that can be employed whenever there is a need to capture, process and report data.
You can contact us at info@countingopinions.com
PLDS - At Your Fingertips
Counting Opinions now offers real-time, on-demand access to the PLDS data sets (from 1998) as an option for LibPAS subscribers. The PLDS is an annual performance data collection with data for over 1000 public libraries across North America. Now with real-time, on-demand access to peer data, public libraries can dramatically increase their agility in responding to both known and ad hoc data requirements, in support of operational and/or advocacy requirements.
Closing the Customer Feedback Loop
The Ottawa Public Library (OPL) fully subscribes to Counting Opinions data management solutions. A key ingredient to a successful customer experience management system (LibSat) is advising customers what the library has learned from captured feedback and what (if any) action the library is taking.
Click here to see an example of how OPL keeps their customers informed.
Collaboration with SJSU-SLIS
Counting Opinions previously announced the establishment of a collaboration agreement with San José State University, School of Library & Information Science. We are now pleased to advise how SJSU-SLIS students and faculty and Counting Opinions' subscribers are benefiting from this cooperative relationship.
What's Your Net Promoter Score
In a recent article of the Public Libraries Magazine (Volume 47, Number 6), Joe Matthews, an instructor for the School of Library & Information Sciences at the San Jose State University wrote about the increasingly popular Net Promoter Score (NPS) for measuring Customer Satisfaction.
In his article, Customer Satisfaction - A New Perspective (page 53 - 55), Mr. Matthews concludes that the NPS, which measures the likelihood that a library customer will recommend the services of the library to someone else, is a unique and effective indicator of customer satisfaction. The article, supported with data from LibSat, summarizes results for a cross section of public libraries.
The article is well worth reading.
NPS reports are available to all LibSat customers.
Click here for more information
The NPS is used by a number of leading organizations across all major industries as a key indicator of customer satisfaction.